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Simple Tips for Extending a Clutch's Lifespan

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The clutch is an important mechanical component in a manual transmission automotive. The device is responsible for engaging and disengaging the auto power transmission. Basically, it is activated whenever you are changing the level of power flowing in the vehicle. This critical module can get damaged easily due to poor usage, negligence and general wear. If this happens, you will need to replace the clutch to restore the functionality of the vehicle. But the cost of purchase and replacement can be extremely high. You can avoid the expenses and stress linked to clutch repairs by taking care of your vehicle's clutch. Here are simple tips to help you get started.

Press the Clutch Properly

The most important rule of extending the lifespan of a clutch is to avoid riding the pedal continuously. This wears away the internal components due to the heavy but unintentional usage. In simple terms, when you are driving your vehicle, do not keep the foot on the clutch pedal. You should either press it such that the component is depressed completely, or remove your foot from the clutch completely. Additionally, avoid pressing the clutch pedal simultaneously with the accelerator because this will strain the transmission system.

Brake Carefully

Your braking habits can affect the lifespan of your clutch, so you should be more careful during the process. Basically, if you want to protect the clutch from damage and strain, you should pay attention to the reaction of the engine when you lift your foot off the accelerator and brake. Generally, you should avoid using the clutch when braking, or engage the clutch when the engine begins to struggle in an effort to shut down. You should only choose the former option if your driving speed is too low compared to your current gear. On the other hand, you will need heavy braking if you are driving at high speeds but must stop quickly. You should press both the brake and the clutch simultaneously. This will give you better control of the vehicle and reduce the clutch stress in controlling the power.

Changing the Gear

The clutch is positioned between the engine and the gearbox. If you want to change the gear, you must disengage the clutch to allow the gear stick to move. You should learn how to change the gears smoothly and efficiently. Otherwise, the internal components such as clutch plates will experience a lot of friction. Ideally, you should depress the clutch pedal rapidly, shift the gear stick and release your clutch slowly for a smooth transition.
