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Looking For An Auto Service Center? Check Out These 4 Traits Of A Keeper Mechanic

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Every car owner knows that finding a reliable auto mechanic is something to celebrate. If you are out there, tired of skipping from one mechanic to the other, you have come to the right place. There are a few characteristics that you can use to gauge if an auto center is reliable or not. Read all about them below and save yourself time, money and further disappointments.

Has a busy garage

It's not a scientific fact, but reliable auto centers often have many customers who have grown with the business over the years. On the other hand, unreliable mechanics keep losing customers, so their auto shops aren't likely to be busy all the time. If you notice that your prospective mechanic is always idle with no clients to serve, that should serve as a warning signal. On the other hand, an auto center with a beehive of activity and plenty of customers signals good service.

Keeps proper records all the time

Another trait of a good mechanic is that they always keep proper records of all their operations. This includes customers names, vehicles, parts, estimates, quotes, and receipts. This shows organization and a strict work ethic. If you visit a mechanic and realize that they do not bother noting down any details whatsoever, that should also fire up question marks in your head. Such mechanics are bound to easily make mistakes, and what's worse, they have to records no prove otherwise. A mechanic with proper records, however, will work on your vehicle as meticulously as he/she does with their records.

Quotes only after thoroughly examining your car

Dodgy mechanics are always keen to make an extra buck from your patronage. They will be quick to quote costs even before they have checked and diagnosed your car. If you notice this, seek a second opinion before commissioning work. A good mechanic will thoroughly inspect your car and troubleshoot problems before providing you with a quote.

Tells you about your car's problems as opposed to just fixing them

Last but not least, a good mechanic will provide additional value to you by explaining about your car's problems, how they affect your car, what caused them, and how to avoid a repeat of the same in the future. This is a clear indication that a mechanic values your car's welfare and is not just focused on having you come back again for more service repairs.

Though not exhaustive or conclusive, the above traits are a good way to quickly determine if you should try a new mechanic/auto center, or not.
