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4 Causes of Cooling System Failures

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An overheating car can be one of the worst nightmares that any car owner can experience. This is because the only way to resolve the problem is to call for roadside assistance. Otherwise, the problem may get worse if you drive that car. This article discusses some of the reasons why cooling systems fail. Use this information as a guide to performing routine car radiator repairs or maintenance. 

Leaking Radiator Hoses

Radiator hoses develop leaks for a variety of reasons. For instance, the hose may have exceeded its service life but it was not replaced. A leaking hose reduces the amount of available coolant to regulate the temperature of the engine. Ensure that hoses are replaced at the recommended intervals so that they do not leak and cause costly damage to your radiator.

Obstructions in the Cooling System

A frontal accident can cause air fins to become bent. This reduces the volume of air that moves through the radiator. Consequently, the radiator will be unable to dissipate heat into the circulating air. Engine passages can also be blocked by scaling. This constricts the flow of coolant, resulting in overheating.

Have the radiator system checked thoroughly after an accident so that a mechanic confirms that nothing is amiss. Use recommended engine oil and filters so that all contaminants are removed from the engine before they block the flow of coolant.

Water Pump Failures

A water pump forces coolant to circulate throughout the engine and back into the radiator. When this pump fails, the coolant will no longer be pressurised. This limits the effectiveness of coolant flow within the engine, causing the engine to overheat. Ask a mechanic to test how well your water pump is working so that you can replace it before it breaks down completely.

Air within the Cooling System

Trapped air can block the flow of coolant within your car. Air can get into the cooling system when a leak develops. A mechanic can check the entire system and rule out other causes of overheating before flushing the cooling system to remove trapped air.

Most cars have a temperature gauge and warning lights to alert drivers when the engine overheats. Do not ignore that warning when the light comes on. Take your car to a service professional for proper diagnosis and radiator repair. It is also advisable to have the radiator system checked periodically instead of waiting to react once problems develop. Contact your mechanic for advice on the frequency of those routine checks.
